Academia U

(App for connecting the academia community)























|Challenge & Overview


App designed for the academia Community (Professors, incoming & Current Students, and faculty involved in their respective University or college) to better connect with each other to start projects, studies, research, have mentors, and/or just simply make connections for future jobs or internships. We aim to help students find like minded individuals with similar majors and/or focuses to pursue projects and research that could change the world. Students and faculty deserve to have an app that makes connecting easier and faster with new minds, ideas, and overall really driven individuals who will ultimately become our future.


 I started this case study with Interview questions, competitor analysis, personas, and open card sorting. After research, I developed lofi mockups and wireframes which led to hifi mockups and inperson critiques from students. My biggest challenege was easy navigation and flow for users. 



I was able to get feedback from current undergrads and they felt the navigation was easy to understand and find pages. The future for this app, will be to design the rest of the screens and see the app become live for the academic community.