
(unsolicited app rebrand)
















|Overview & Challenge is a company that helps people find homes to rent and buy through a website and app. The app for mobile devices is more widely used for the convenience of it. The rebrand should focus on giving it a modern, sleek feel that’s easy to navigate for millions of people that are using it. 



I used a Design Sprint approach because of the time constraints. The problems of the user experience in the original app were simple fixes once I concluded interview questions and reseach of competitors apps. Hierachry was the first issue I came across when developing lofi mockups of screens. Understanding the user and what they are looking for the most often statistically (type of housing, price, and area) was very helpful in what should be easily seen first on the first screens theyll come across, and from there legibilty with simple backgrounds was my second solution. 



The screens become easier to navigate material with less busy backgrounds and given solid colors for icons and buttons to be rested on. The use of the green in the logo and modern feel compliment the logo and identity change. Hierarchy of buttons such as apartment, housing, and townhome buttons are easily accessible because these are what consumers are looking for the most backed by user research. The overall UI design feels more cohesive than the old style feel of the past app.